Monday, February 22, 2010

Another Knitting Update

Well, my scarf is now complete! Yay! I was worried that I wouldn't be able to finish it because I didn't know how to cast off, but, thanx to a really great website (I'll post it if I can find it again) complete with a little video I was able to finish it! I think I'll add some fringe to it or something to dress it up some but the knitting portion is complete.
With my scarf done, I started another project. Maybe it's ambitious but all the same I'm having fun with it. I've started a baby blanket. I wanted to try out knitting with circular needles (a lil awkward at first) but it's coming along quite nicely. I couldn't find a pattern I was in love with so I'm making up my own as I go. It's so fun. Very multi colored (who knows which baby it will be for and if it will be a boy or a girl) and so, so soft. I'll put up pictures soon but with it being on circular needles, getting a good pic could be interesting.
With all this crafting I've made some somewhat big decisions. First, I have decided that I want to seriously look at getting a booth out at a Farmers' Market to maybe try to make some money with my crafts. And secondly, I really want to take a photography lesson. I think it would be interesting and it would be useful with blogging. And, once little kidlets are in the picture (pardon the pun) it would be great to be able to take tons of great pic so I can send a multitude to my DH. Perhaps something else I'll have to talk to my amazing SIL about.
Until next time, happy hooking and crafting.
Mrs. H

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