Thursday, April 29, 2010

A Busy Week and Some =)

Well, as anyone who knows me knows, I've had a lot on my plate lately. =) For the most part all good (even if some of it has been stressful and disheartening).
The good news about it all though is that after getting back from our road trip I've finally had some time to sit down and get crocheting! I've decided that I'm going to try to market some of my handiwork too! In this last week and some since we've been back I've managed to complete 3 baby blankets! It's going to be so hard to sell them cuz I love them all!
Once we're moved, I'll take some pictures and post them. I've also been researching on how much things like this sell for and options for getting my name and items 'out there' in the crafters and craft appreciator world. =)
This makes me so happy for so many reasons. First, and probably most important, is the fact that I LOVE my crafts! Whether it's crocheting or sewing or knitting or whatever I just love it. I can almost literally feel stress leaving my body (or at least push it away for a lil while) and it makes me happy. And, hey, if I can earn a few bucks doing what I love - all the better! Secondly, I'll always be doing my crafts, so why not get something out of it (more than having 100 afghans around the house - lol).
So, if any of you out in bloggers world is interested - I'm your go to person! =) Right now I'm focusing on baby blankets but I also do afghans, slippers, hats...pretty much anything. =)
Until next time...keep crafting!
Mrs. H.

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