Monday, February 22, 2010

Another Knitting Update

Well, my scarf is now complete! Yay! I was worried that I wouldn't be able to finish it because I didn't know how to cast off, but, thanx to a really great website (I'll post it if I can find it again) complete with a little video I was able to finish it! I think I'll add some fringe to it or something to dress it up some but the knitting portion is complete.
With my scarf done, I started another project. Maybe it's ambitious but all the same I'm having fun with it. I've started a baby blanket. I wanted to try out knitting with circular needles (a lil awkward at first) but it's coming along quite nicely. I couldn't find a pattern I was in love with so I'm making up my own as I go. It's so fun. Very multi colored (who knows which baby it will be for and if it will be a boy or a girl) and so, so soft. I'll put up pictures soon but with it being on circular needles, getting a good pic could be interesting.
With all this crafting I've made some somewhat big decisions. First, I have decided that I want to seriously look at getting a booth out at a Farmers' Market to maybe try to make some money with my crafts. And secondly, I really want to take a photography lesson. I think it would be interesting and it would be useful with blogging. And, once little kidlets are in the picture (pardon the pun) it would be great to be able to take tons of great pic so I can send a multitude to my DH. Perhaps something else I'll have to talk to my amazing SIL about.
Until next time, happy hooking and crafting.
Mrs. H

Thursday, February 18, 2010

First Knitting Project - Update 2

Well, the scarf is most definatly coming along! =) It's about 6' long now. LOL! I'm going to have to sit with my wonderful SIL to learn how to cast/bind off now or it's going to end up a monster! I'm not sure what I'll attempt next. I'd like to do a baby blanket I think. For that though, I think I'll have to learn how to increase and decrease stitches. After looking at some patterns online though, I'm thinking I have more than just those stitches to learn - learning to read the patterns would be a good start. LOL! Could be interesting. =) I'll post pictures of the finished product when I can. =)

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Love These Websites

As all crafters know, crafting is not the cheapest of hobbies. I myself will end up make many, many multi color, using up every last little scrap of yarn afghans or keep scraps of material just in case something needs patching. One of the big expenses I find though is patterns. Whether it's for sewing or knitting or crocheting or cross stitching, patterns are not cheap! So, when I find websites with great free patterns on them I have to share. Some of them do require a sign in but it's so worth it. Keep in mind, most of these will be for crochet as I'm just now starting to love and appreciate knitting. =) Thanx again Amazing SIL.
Bernat Yarn
Craft Site Directory - this has links to everything! Sewing, crochet, knitting, applique - you name it.
Crochet Pattern Central - This site is amazing! It has everything you could possibly want or need for crochet patterns. New patterns, antique patterns - everything. And, the moderator of the site is such a nice person!
Knitting Pattern Central - see above only this one is for knitting. Run by the same nice person!
Free Pattern Site - Another site that has a lil of absolutely everything.
All Free Crafts - Another treasure of links. Crochet - I find anything at wonderful. This link is to their crochet section but they have recipe sections (by cuisine - French, Italian, Indian, etc.). And their e-newsletters are great.
Craft Town - more fun crochet patterns.
All - more of everything.
Crochet N' More - Fun!

These are just a few of my resource sites. More to come soon! =)

Happy Hooking until next time.

Mrs. H.

First Knitting Project - Update

Not a whole lot to report on the knitting front today. My hubby has finally gotten home (YAY) so not much knitting has been done. My scarf has gone from the length of my knitting needle to the length of my leg (approx 39") though so progress is being done. =) I'll have to learn how to cast off now or this scarf could end up 6' long. =)

Sunday, February 14, 2010

First Knitting Project

So, thanx to a very patient SIL (sister-in-law), I've once again picked up the knitting needles. I had tried knitting a couple years ago, but it just didn't work for me - I just couldn't get it. But, after a lil stitch & bitch with said SIL, I've given it another try and this is what I'm trying to make now. BUT, as I usually do, I've changed the pattern just about completely. =)

If you would like to make this scarf, here's the instructions.

Scarf measures 6 1/2" wide and 54" long.
Materials: Medium weight yarn: 1 ball each of 2 colors
Project shown is stitched with Red Heart (R) "Soft Yarn" in 9440 Lt Grey Heather and 9520 Seafoam.
Knitting Needles: 9mm (US 13)
Extras: Yarn needle

With 1 strand of each color held together as one, cast on 20 sts. Knit 8 rows. Now work in pat as follows:

Row 1 (right side): Knit.
Rows 2 & 3: Knit 4, purl 12, knit 4.
Row 4: Knit
Repeat Rows 1-4 for pat until approx 52" from beg, end by working Row 4.
Knit 8 rows. Bind off. Weave in ends.

Now, how I've changed this pattern is:
I'm using different colors of course (blue & cream) and I worked the 8 knit rows, and repeated the pattern 3 times. Because I haven't quite got the hang of the purl stitch yet, after Row 4 I knit 10 rows then start back into the pattern at Row 1 again.

Here it is so far (don't laugh - I'm new to this knitting thing and not the world's best photographer by any means).

Quickie Ripple Afghan

Hi everyone!

Thought I needed another blog to keep track of my many crafting projects. I thought I would start out with this quick and easy afghan pattern that I've made many times. See my other blog for 'Adventures In Crafting'. Until then...happy hooking. =)

N-Hook Ripple Afghan
Finished Size: Approximately 46" x 66"

Worsted Weight Yarn (4-ply) approximately 61 ounces
Crochet hook, size N (10.00 mm)

Note: Entire afghan is worked holding two strands of yarn together.

INSTRUCTIONS:Chain 160 looselyRow 1 Single crochet (sc) in second chain (ch) from hook and in next 9 chs, 3 sc in next ch (This makes the mountain). Sc in next 10 chs. * Skip next 2 ch (This makes the valley), sc in next 10 chs, 3 sc in next chain, sc in next 10 chs. Repeat from * across to end. 161 sc.Row 2-End Chain 1, turn. Working in back loops only, pull up a loop in the first two sc, yarn over (YO) and draw through all 3 loops on hook (this turns two sc into one sc). Sc in next 9 sc, 3 sc in next sc. * Sc in next 10 sc, skip next 2 sc, sc in next 10 sc, 3 sc in next sc. Repeat from * across to last segment. Sc in 9 sc, pull up a loop in last 2 sc, YO and draw through all 3 loops on hook. 161 sc.When Afghan is length wanted, finish off. Weave in all ends.